Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Check them out: Sharon Jones & The Daps-Kings.

A couple weeks ago I went to see the movie "Up In The Air". I heard a lot of great things and my expectations were high. Possibly too high, possibly up in the air. (Ba-dump-dump-chink!)

I thought it was enjoyable, had some funny moments, and of course George Clooney is adorable. But even though the idea of someone who fires people for a living seems an original concept that is appropriate for the current employment climate, I just felt the plot progressed predictably and the characters were fairly cliche.

For me, the most memorable part of the movie was actually the opening credits. They had a great retro feel with their use of fonts, fades and dissolves. And they played an amazing cover of "This Land is You Land". It was very funky; one of those covers that is a complete re-envisions  the original without completely disrespecting it.  It really stuck with me.

I assumed that it was performed by a great funk band of the 60's or 70's who never received the fame they deserved. While researching the song after the movie, I was shocked to find that the band, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, are a modern group and the song only came out a couple years ago. I didn't realize people were making music like this anymore.I bought their album "Naturally" and have been playing it on a loop for weeks.

Check out their cover of "This Land if Your Land" bellow along with two other vintage inspired music videos after the jump.

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