Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010.

It seems the older you get the more significant each passing year becomes. As a kid, I didn't notice any considerable changes in my life from year to year. Which is probably why I never made any genuine new years resolutions.

But this year I can not help but reflect on the past year. Where I was this time last year is an undeniably and radically different place. While I am not making any resolution again this year, due to my birthday resolutions, I wanted to share some the memorable things that have happened to me over the past 365 days.

Top 5 worst things during 2009:
5. Running an obscene amount of credit card debt while being unemployed, then paying it back.
4. Moving back in with my parents - Even if my parents are amazing.
3. My mom loosing her job - Not to mention my many other unemployed friends.
2. Breaking up with Robin - Even if it was for the best, it still sucked.
1. Aunt Nancy passing away - I love and miss you Aunt Nancy.

Top 5 best things about 2009:
5. Barack Obama - First black president.
4. Tiana - First black Disney princess.
3. Joining a gym.
2. Awesome new job.
1. The support and love of family and friends - Thanks, you guys.

Top 5 things I am looking forward to 2010:
5. A very interesting midterm election.
4. My trip to Japan.
3. Opening a new Pitango.
2. Fulfilling my birthday resolutions.
1. The unknown.

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